Where it all began For TheLankyRoaster 

It was while I was working for a bowling company as an engineer that I had my first go on an espresso machine. The coffee was what I now know as a dark, oily roast, and the machine was your typical no-frills generic machine. The pressure was, I'm sure, closer to 2 bar, the water distribution from the group head was more like dumping it all at once and wait for gravity to do its work, the extraction took what felt like 5 minutes, and the taste was, if anything,  too characterful. Over the years of making coffees for the team and my must-fiddle-with everything personality, I started to research how I could improve the machine for making espresso.


My passion for good espresso gained momentum, and in the following months I came across a job advertisement for a local coffee shop, so I applied for the role and got the job, and this is when I was introduced to more than just espresso. I learned about V60s, Aeropress, stovetops, how to dial in the grinders, how to get the perfect espresso and how to make delicious coffee, and then the roasting of the beans, which blew my mind and really grabbed my interest and imagination. I started to learn about the life journey of the coffee bean, from growing in the fields to ending up in my espresso cup. 


Fast-forward to July 26th, 2023, and I was serving a customer unbeknownst to me. He was the owner of a very successful roastery that I love.

As I was standing there with glazed eyes staring into space, he asked if I was okay. I turned and looked at him and said, I'm thinking of starting my own small batch roastery, and nine weeks later, here we are.

I'm so excited to be able to share my journey and my passion with you all.

and hopefully you enjoy my coffee beans as much as I do!



All the best

